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Founded in 1964

Tri County Rod and Gun Club is a private, non-profit club that was founded in 1964 by a small group of dedicated sportsman who recognized the need of an organized voice in support of conservation and good sportsmanship. Since then the Club has grown to a total of  500 members. Tri County is one of the largest organizations of its kind in the State of Kansas.

Tri County is located 6 miles West of Bonner Springs, KS, off Highway 32. Tri County sits on 120 acres of ground that contains a rifle range, pistol and blackpowder range, trap range, plinking range, archery ranges and practice range, along with 3 stocked ponds. On the property you can also find a large Clubhouse that houses indoor archery and pistol leagues in the winter months.  Club members have access to all aspects of the club 24 hours a day, 7 days a week unless there is a club event going on. Members are allowed to bring guests with them as well.