Members Information
Tri-County Rod and Gun Club is a private non-profit club that allows 500 House Memberships, along with 50 Associate Memberships. Currently, there are no open House Memberships available. To check availability please contact the membership secretary at [email protected].
Potential Members need to fill out an application and must have a Club Sponsor. If any part of the application is not completed, the application will not be valid.
It is very important to have a Club Sponsor. Don’t know anyone? Come to open events and get to know members that might want to sponsor you.
Potential members must pass a Background Check that will need to be paid for at the time of the interview process.
Applications are reviewed monthly and interviews are conducted at the General Meetings. After this the application is taken to the following months’ Board of Directors Meeting for approval. Once approved the potential member will be asked to come to the next General Meeting to attend the Orientation process. Membership will not be active until the orientation is completed.
Membership questions can be directed to the Membership Secretary at: [email protected]
House Membership Dues are $120/year and due January 1st of each year.
Associate Membership Dues are $240/year and are due the month in which you are accepted,.
Failure to pay dues on time will result in the loss of membership in accordance with the Club Rules and Regulations.
The club is now using a software for membership business. This website will allow members to pay dues through this site (added fee). Please use this link to set up your membership account. Update your address, email, etc. It is important that members provide an email for club emails to be sent out.
Tri County Rod and Gun Club encourages all club members to attend the monthly general meetings to stay informed about the club and express any concerns. The general public is also welcome to visit us during our meetings. General Meetings are held on the 2nd Tuesday of every month beginning at 7:30pm in the clubhouse.